Friday, 24 May 2019

Is Your Hiring Process Too Slow?

Businesses want the best talent in their workplaces so they prefer not to rush through the hiring process. However, great candidates can be lost this way as they may accept employment in Jackson MS from a competitor of yours. To avoid losing talented individuals to a never-ending interview process, it’s important to find ways to streamline the hiring process.
Is Your Hiring Process Too Slow? - Capitol Staffing
Let’s address some of the most common factors that slow down the candidate selection process and how you can resolve them:
1. Hiring managers that can’t make a decision
Unless you are the sole decision maker, you have to rely on others to make hiring decisions. Sometimes, hiring managers are overly critical of the candidates or have unrealistic expectations. If hiring managers can’t find “the one,” they may continue interviewing applicants. Usually, the reason for this is a lack of confidence in the candidate selection process. It’s also possible that too many people are involved and can’t come to an agreement.
2. Applicants are turning down offers
Not all people who are offered a job accept it. Many factors go into taking a job, and some businesses aren’t able to offer everything the person needs or wants. However, this ought be a rarity. Your business should know what the talent is worth and what needs to be done to engage the candidate. Each offer should be tailored to the individual so that acceptance rates are near perfect.
3. Too many resumes coming in
A large pool of candidates gives you plenty of talent to choose from, letting you be more selective about who you interview. Unfortunately, an excess of resumes slows down the hiring process. Before posting a job opening, be precise about the qualifications you expect. Identify specific responsibilities and key roles. This helps narrow down the people who will send you resumes.
Need help hiring the right people for your business?
Selecting candidates for an open position is a big decision that will affect many people. It’s no wonder why hiring managers give it so much attention! However, the hiring process can be all-consuming and take away from other aspects of your business, all without a guarantee that the person you hire will be the right fit.
To work through these issues, it’s best to work with a professional staffing firm. Staffing agencies have a pool of qualified candidates who are interested in new opportunities. Imagine finding top talent and not having to go through the grueling hiring process! It’s a win-win for everyone.
To learn more about our opportunities for employment in Jackson MS, contact Capitol Staffing today.

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

How Important are References for Employers?

When applying for jobs in Jackson MS, you’ll find that many employers ask for references, but are they really all that important? Do employers even check them?
Importance of references for Employers
You might be surprised to learn that a reference check can make or break your chances of getting a job. Employers often receive hundreds of applications, and once they narrow down their best candidates, a reference check can fill in the gaps.
Let’s learn more about why reference checks are important for employers and tips for building your own solid list.
What Employers Hope to Learn from References
On average, 8 out of 10 hiring managers conduct reference checks on a regular basis for positions in the professional, executive, administrative, and technical fields. While it’s less likely for them to be done for skilled labor, part-time work, and temporary positions, it’s not uncommon.
There are several reasons why hiring managers feel that a reference check is important. These include:
  • Confirming job titles and dates of employment
  • Learning about workplace accomplishments
  • Identifying strengths and weaknesses
  • Verifying past job responsibilities and experience
  • Understanding the candidate’s work culture
Tips for Building a Reference List
Knowing how influential job references can be, it’s important to choose them wisely. Here are a few tips for building a reference list that supports your interview for jobs in Jackson MS.
  • Choose wisely. Don’t just look to add people who have impressive job titles. Build a reference list that can discuss your abilities and how they relate to this new position. It’s best to have a mix of people who can address various aspects from your work history.
  • Get permission. Always get permission from your references. It’s the right thing to do and it prepares them for the phone call. You’d hate for your reference to be caught off guard.
  • Provide clear information. When you ask your references for permission, be sure to update all contact information, including names, titles, phone numbers and emails. Consider adding a few extra references in case the employer can’t reach one of your top references.
  • Thank your references. Those who agree to be a reference should be given a big thank you. These individuals can help you land your dream job so their role is important. Maybe one day, you’ll get the chance to return the favor.
As you can see, many hiring managers perform reference checks and place a lot of importance on them. When applying for a job, be sure to have your reference list in check and ready to impress!